Volcano Osorno, Petrohue falls and more eye gems

Our hotel had helped us book a tour for the next day with short notice. It started at 10:30, quite late for a tour but it ended at 19:00 so still a full day. 

For us the main attraction was the volcano but the tour made many other stops on the way. I'll show you the pictures chronologically. Mostly a cloudy day with the sun shining through at some occasions. Might not make the best pictures but the reality was fabulous. So beautiful. And the nature around the volcano was something new, nothing to compare it to from earlier travels. Harsh but beautiful landscape. We were also very lucky to see a fox, zorro, on our way to the top. Very sweet and little. I think Chile has three different species of foxes and that the one on the island of Chiloe is one of the smallest ones in the world. Correct me if I'm wrong though, but I think it's what I gathered from information signs. Not on Chiloe now though so back to the volcano.

First we greeted some llamas

Then we stopped and took some scenery pictures

We visited a little lake where we did a short stroll on maximum of 10 minutes

Can you see the fish in the clear water

One of the biggest lakes in Chile 

It was snow on the top of the volcano and also ski slopes but not enough snow to go skiing though. One might not believe it with the chill winds and temperature around 14-17 degrees but it is summer here.

El zorro

On our way to the volcano

Unfortunately we only got one hour at the volcano but we made it to the crater and back. No walking around as a whole group which was nice, we prefer exploring on our own. We did however meet another guide that pointed us in the right direction and explained a bit about the crater, that was very welcome.

Such red color

Summer slopes

Happy with the amazing view from the top we continued our trip. It was long after lunch time and our small protein bara that we found in the supermarket made little difference. We stopped at a buffet place where our driver had lunch and we also had the opportunity to eat. We decided to eat although it was expensive, more expensive than the day before excluding drinks... We kind of regretted our decision but on the other hand I don't know if a banana (what was what we had left) would have been enough for the rest of the day. What one should have done is bought a sandwich at the cafe at the volcano. They had good meat at the buffet but the salad and other things were not good. A lot of flies that we didn't see until later also. Doesn't bring back good memories so to say...

It was warm on the ground despite cloudy weather, from the volcano?

From that bad experience to a trip at the river. Not included at the trip for 4 000 pesos. We decided to jump on and it was nice but very cold. They had cute houses at some beaches along the way but I don't know if one ever would like to swim in this cold place :p The water was very clear and looked very crisp.

Next stop waterfalls. Or not waterfalls as J said. I guess we are spoilt after Iguazú ;-) Anyhows beautiful water in a lovely setting. Petrohue falls. Once again not included but this entry ticket at least included toilets, otherwise you have to pay at every stop. We had approx. an hour here which was appreciated to stretch our legs a bit more.

This was our last stop and we were already tired despite not walking that long during the day. But we had seen many things and had to digest the experiences.

When we returned back to the city we chilled at the hotel and then made our way to the city. Many places were closed on this Monday but one of the recommendations from the hotel was open so we went there. We both ordered the same fish dish since this also is a place where sport fishers go. A little bit of a disappointment we must say. No special flavours and just salty. We saw several meat dishes arriving at the same time and we guessed this was what you should have ordered at this place. Anyways still a cozy evening but very chill with the usual cold winds now accompanied by steady rain. It's so beautiful here but yikes they have cold summers.

Buenas noches,
