Puerto Varas to Punta Arenas and then Puerto Natales

Next up further south in Patagonia. We had a pick up at 9 am so still a sleep in. But a long day to go. First the flight to Punta Arenas, claimed to be the southern most city in the world. Although a few other cities also uses this slogan. When we landed we noticed the harsh flat environment. Luggage pick up went smooth so we had some time to kill before our bus to Puerto Natales would arrive. We had lunch in the only available restaurant at the airport outside the gates (despite a cafe that was closed). Ordered a hamburger with avocado and cheese, once again someone drowned the meal in cheese. Airport food...

After this less pleasant experience we waited for the bus that was supposed to leave 14:38. A little bus with the name Fernandes as our company passed through a few minutes before. J was sure we just missed it since we didn't wave. Although a couple in front of us waved, and had booked with the same company. I on the other hand was still relaxed since the bus was so small and the Bus Sur had been almost half an hour late. I suspected they put out the same time for leaving the city 30 min away as the airport. It was chilly in the air but still so much warmer than Puerto Varas, weird. We expected it to be freezing here.

Further down the road trees and mountains started to be visible

After some anxiety from my travel company our bus arrived almost half an hour late. A big bus. With WiFi. The bus ride to Puerto Natales went through this very flat environment with non existing trees to mountains in the distance and more trees as we went. Harsh but still with a beauty to it.

We arrived to Puerto Natales in the evening and checked in to our hostel. Spoilt after our lovely hotel in Puerto Varas we first felt a bit disappointed but later learned we spent so little time here it didn't matter that much. WiFi on the other hand was super bad. They could use an upgrade here.

We went to a close by supermarket to get something to eat for our already booked tour the following day. It's not easy to find proper lunch food here I tell you. Not at least to our liking. Mostly sweets. So cookies, bananas and cereal bars went into our shopping bag. Then we headed to Base camp, a restaurant with fairly decent pricing being in Puerto Natales. Good food and we ended up here more than ones, mostly because of the prices though.

Let's get ready for our first day in the national park of Torres del Paine!
