
The journey continues. So far we felt like we calculated our stops pretty well, just enough time at every stop. Of course it can be a hassle with packing, unpacking, buses, metros, airplanes etc but at the same time you get to see so much more. And we have our chill time at the same place for a longer time set to the end of the trip anyways. Sometimes the blog might be a bit naggy but I like to clarify that of course it's not sunshine all times of travelling but at the end of the day both me and J are very happy with our travels so far. It's amazing and we love it. But I also like to give you the authentic picture ;-)

Waking up in Santiago this day we went out to Bellavista for breakfast. Not the cheapest place, all the cheap ones we had seen before seemed to have disappeared. Or maybe they were still closed. Anyhow we ended up in a sweet cafe that served amazing breakfast. We then strolled back, made our check out and took the metro to Pajaritos. From here we booked a bus to Valparaiso. Two companies ran quite frequently so you just had to wait 10-15 min. The bus was so comfy so I had a hard time to keep my eyes open for the short journey. J on the other hand enjoyed the surroundings (and took photos). 

When arriving to Valparaiso we had noticed some different alternatives to get to the station closest to our hostel, Sotomayor. Two of the cheapest ones would be either a regular bus or an old fashioned bus that I don't remember the name of right now. That kind that runs with wires on top. Maps suggested one of the regular buses so we caught one and tried to jump on... They assured me it was okay to bring luggage but yikes it was a full bus. Poor J had to try and keep our luggage steady during the bumpy ride while I climbed over the passengers to the front to pay. Of course I missed just a few coins and had to pay with a big bill and await the change. It was a little bit of a hassle but they were very nice I must say. Not nice for my motion sickness though but thankfully it was a short ride. Walking would be 30-40 min but along busy streets so this seemed better.

From Sotomayor we had 400 m to reach our hostel. Probably 300 m of steep stairs. Phu. It was chill winds in Valpo but this made us stay warm for sure. And guess what they asked when we arrived to the hotel? "Oh you didn't use the lift?". Lovely. They have these lifts spread over the city that cost next to nothing so I'd recommend that for future travellers. Although we walked those stairs many times after which was so much easier without the luggage.

It was early afternoon after check in so we went out for lunch and made our way to sightseeing areas recommended by the hostel, which also was the same as the walking tours. Lunch was had in what looked like a backyard for cars, sand on the ground that stayed put until our food arrived :p Sand spicing, not too much though. What arrived was lunch for 4 people, probably 6 lunch boxes for me. Our hostel promised us it would be quite filling and this was almost ridiculous. Thankfully J was very hungry. Good food.

So much food (!)

Walking around in Valpo is very beautiful. So much street art with really good artists. It's really something else. We had ice cream and just strolled around. Some stray dogs here as earlier, which makes me a bit anxious for night time. They were so nice day time but from earlier experiences they become very territorial night time so I don't feel like staying out too long. And the vibe here was also different from Santiago when it comes to people. The narrow stair cases makes quite the robbery opportunity and it was also what they recommended around us, stay away from these night time unless you can see the end of them. J read the police web page about staying safe and I think that might aid to unnecessary concern but of course one should not be naive.

We were so full from lunch so we just bought some local brewed beer and chips from a supermarket and spent our evening in the hostel common area playing cards. Around us people cooked their own food, played board games, drank wine (from giant bottles, we've seen them every now and then it must be at least 1.5 L in them), chatted with people from home and just enjoyed their evening. It was a nice change from the more sterile environment in hotels although I deeply missed a private bathroom. Too few at this hostel and both showers and toilets in the same room which never is a good combination at hostels.

That's it for today peeps. Ttyl,
