Nice to see you again dear travel diary.

This time going back to South America but to countries never visited before. And this time experiencing new places with my beloved J.

First stop was Rio. A very short stop that felt longer due to some hours in the hot Brazilian Sun before being able to check-in. We landed around 8 am after a little over a days traveling. Getting to Copacabana/Ipanema from the airport takes around an hour despite it being roughly 20k in distance. But it was a nice ride, so much green and ocean in a big city. And our cab driver bought us caramelized popcorn which was a very nice gesture.

View from hotel terrace

To kill sometime before being able to fully access our luggage we walked a bit around the beach of both ipanema and Copacabana since we stayed in between them. Looking for a Brazilian lunch place which wasn't the easiest to locate. There was fast food sandwiches and such but we looked for something less familiar. We ended up with a caprinha to motivate further searching. With the view of Copacabana it was a nice refreshment.

Next stop before locating interesting food happened to be a hair salon. We were both in a need for a hair cut and it's always interesting to try it in a different country. Some English-speaking customer helped us out together with my Spanish, it's quite similar to Portuguese after all. Unfortunately they messed up J's style (that apparently takes years to rebuild) and mine was a bit short but if felt so light and easy. Worth it for 70 real (40 for J).

Lunch was finally located at a fast food veggie place. I had some sort of deep fried mix of broccoli and garlic among other ingredients in a hamburger style while J got some hummus stuff. Good price and over all good food. Nice stop for a lunch.

After that we got to check in and check out our roof top terrace and pool. A very small swimming pool but at least something. And a good panoramic view. We also had a short nap - or tried to in dozen of different noises. Apparently there was some construction work going on not mentioned while booking the hotel.

For dinner we searched through TripAdvisor and yelp but gosh it wasn't easy. Every good option seemed so far away and we were still unsure about safety outside of our neighbourhood. We ended up just taking something close by that seemed to be a Brazilian buffet. First we tried ordering a cab due to everything written on the internet about Rio in Night time but the receptionist though we were ovethinking it. So we trusted him and walked a few hundred meters in busy streets that seemed more than fine.

Just your regular blogger photo with the out-edited trash in the middle of the street. Oh wait, I forgot to do that right? Well who doesn't appreciate authentic.

We had barely stepped foot inside the restaurant when they showed us a big plate filled with different drinking options. As to simplify what was on the menu I guess. So we made our choices and got two flip coins with a green and red side. These ones to let the waiters know when we wanted more meat. Everything was quite rushed and we had no idea what the cost was or how stuff really worked to be honest. After a while a waiter told us the dinner was 99 real excluding drinks. We found this quite expensive being Rio. But we were seated and felt we couldn't really leave now.

So the dinner begun. We had a lot of salad options, sushi, potatoes and other sides in a big buffet table. Guess what? The girl who had sushi in Lima 2015 and afterwards had a date with the bathroom tried sushi in Brazil. Spoiler alert - still feeling good the day after. Yolo.

Seated with the sides we had never ending meat being sliced at our table. They came with few minutes apart. I tried telling J to switch to the red side of the coin to get some breathing pauses in the servings but he was afraid that meant a full meat stop despite my efforts to convince him otherwise. Some meats were really good while others was decent but no more, they didn't save on salt. Drinks were a bit too strong so mineral soda was a saviour.

We finished dinner before 10 pm and felt quite exhausted after the full day after traveling. A quick stop at our roof top and then straight to bed. I've never seen J fall asleep that fast, he should get used to it ;-)

We've been overly cautious with our valuables so unfortunately I only have a few photos. Not too much to see after just a day though. I also bought a SIM card over here but apparently I lack some kind of Brazilian personal number so I can't activate it. Hope we have better luck in Chile.

