
So we caught a cab to the airport since the bus started around 5 and we needed to leave before 4 am. And at that time of the morning it felt safer to do the cab transportation. Once again everything was quite smooth with check in and security. We boarded the plane well in advances and once again people had the opportunity to check in there hand luggage for free... Yes we have a problem here, people bring crazy much hand luggage and no one ever weighs or checks dimension on it. This was the case on the last domestic flight and on this one. Even though boarding the plane is quite fast we later have the hassle with people finding somewhere to store their big suitcases and other stuff. One glimpse of light here, at the other flight us without heavy suitcases got to board first (!).

Besides this people are very chill here. They get up a million times to check something in the overhead locker and never seem to stay seated with their seatbelt on before take-off. Us Swedes start sweating right away.

One thing to mention as well is the plane temperature. On our way to Iguazú it was very hot, especially during take off and landning. On our way back to Rio we had like the coldest flight ever. We both wore jumpers, long pants and jackets and of course compression socks. Still cold. What's up with these planes GOL?

At the familiar Rio airport we headed to the food court before check in begun and had subway and coffe for breakfast. Sometimes it's nice to know what you're having. Rio airport is big and I find it pretty, lots of shops, food alternatives and seating areas. Not the most modern one but relaxed and all you need.

We checked in right on time, no lines in particular but the staff took their time with each client. This seemed more like what to expect here but since we were early it was pretty quick. Some confusion over our passports and our nationality which was sweet, he probably hadn't seen many European passports.

We had a different flight company to Chile, Sky, and we checked in online which gave us a fast track to board the plane. Good surprise. But we repeated the whole procedure with other customers never finding their seats or where to put all their luggage... So non-efficient but you have to go with it. And don't get me started on food service on board. So we took of around 12, the food trolley was carried out shortly after, before 13 at least. Guess when it reached us? Located at the back on the plane sure (safety guys) but food came to our aisle around 15... For real. I'm pretty sure we need a group discussion about this.

We landed in Chile just after 4 pm and made our way to our apartment hotel the public transportation way. Apartments for rent seem very popular in Santiago since they fill even the hotel booking sites. Some are also some kind of mix of apartment and hotel with breakfast included for example.

Let's see what to explore in the capital of Chile the next days.

Hasta luego,

Close to Santiago going over the mountains

Arrived in Santiago in the eveninf
